Total Credit
Check the Total Credit
Total Credit: When chips are rated at the same level, the manufacturing of the chip with a higher total credit count will be prioritized. The total credit is counted as follows: Chip Credit + Service Credit + New Professor Credit
Performance Reporting/Paper Registration
(For first-time login, the system will guide you through the email verification process.) After logging in successfully, please select the Performance Reporting (Paper Registration) feature to register your published results (including your journal papers, conference papers, patents, and technology transfers). Simple Instructions
Published papers involving chip manufacturing using processes provided by TSRI should refer to TSRI, and the papers should be registered using the Performance Reporting (Paper Registration) function on TSRI’s website to update total credit data. Professors should update their paper information on TSRI’s website from time to time.
For acknowledgment content, you may refer to the following examples:
Total Credit: When chips are rated at the same level, the manufacturing of the chip with a higher total credit count will be prioritized. The total credit is counted as follows: Chip Credit + Service Credit + New Professor Credit
Chip Credit = (Number of papers in the last 3 years) ∕ (Number of chips in the last 2 years):
Papers are counted as: Journal paper count (both domestic and overseas)*2; conference paper count (both domestic and overseas)*1; patent count (both domestic and overseas)*1; technology transfer count (both domestic and overseas)*1.
This year, we still aim at promoting paper publication. The only difference is that we distinguish between journal and conference papers. In the future, we will continue to include different paper categories in order to be oriented towards top-level researches and high-quality papers.
Note: The number of chips in the last 2 years does not include the number of chips 2 years before the current year.
Service Credit:
Professors who serve as a chip manufacturing reviewer responsible for written reviews and reviews requiring personal attendance will gain service credit.
Service Credit = (Review meeting attendance count in the previous year + Number of written reviews) * 0.02
Note: The service credit is limited to 0.2.
New Professor Credit:
Professors with 3 or fewer than 3 taped-out chips in the last 3 years are considered new professors, for which 0.2 is added to their total credit.
Performance Reporting/Paper Registration
(For first-time login, the system will guide you through the email verification process.) After logging in successfully, please select the Performance Reporting (Paper Registration) feature to register your published results (including your journal papers, conference papers, patents, and technology transfers). Simple Instructions
Published papers involving chip manufacturing using processes provided by TSRI should refer to TSRI, and the papers should be registered using the Performance Reporting (Paper Registration) function on TSRI’s website to update total credit data. Professors should update their paper information on TSRI’s website from time to time.
For acknowledgment content, you may refer to the following examples:
- Example 1: This research was supported in part by _____ services from Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), Taiwan, R. O. C.
- Example 2: The authors would like to acknowledge chip manufacturing support provided by Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), Taiwan, R. O. C.